“Made in the USA”, 2025 –
from the stock of market crisis
to a new health crisis?
While the US stock market was temporarily up in 2024 after the election of Trump (and Elon Musk, his true but short-lived colister), disenchantment will quickly set in among the electorate of this diarchy and the capitalist class as a whole.
The French magazine Capital bluntly describes the situation on the US stock market:
"2025 could be a volatile year for most equity markets. And a stock market crash is even considered likely by BCA Research, which expects the equity market to plunge by more than 20% between now and the end of June 2025. There are a number of headwinds at work here (negative trends in household consumption and employment, in particular), not to mention the uncertainties surrounding US economic policy during Donald Trump's second term in office. Finally, the valuations reached by the Nasdaq and the Dow Jones suggest that a bubble has formed on Wall Street and could well end up bursting.[1]
On the international health front, the very famous Hong Kong researcher Yuen Kwok-yung[2] has publicly stated that "a new pandemic is inevitable and will be even more serious". Despite being threatened with the withdrawal of all his medical qualifications, he claimed in 2019-2020 that the Wuhan seafood market was the “crime scene” of Covid 19[3] .
In other Asian countries, the deleterious effects of climate change, denied by the climate sceptic tribe, are being keenly felt:
"...from an unusual tick-borne disease in Thailand to the surprise appearance of a midge-borne infection in Colombia"[4] .
And the deterioration of the situation, through the spread of new epidemiological factors, is palpable on every continent, even the most "developed":
"The impacts of climate change can be seen in everything from record dengue epidemics in Latin America and the Caribbean to the spread of West Nile virus in the United States" .[5]
In the USA, the all-time champion of weapons of mass destruction, Donald Trump has added his own E-bomb (epidemic) by appointing a former lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, to the Department of Health. He is a patented anti-vax advocate and a "Bizness as usual" extremist whose services take into account only the interests of the big bourgeoisie in the agri-food sector, by knowingly playing the sorcerer's apprentice:
"In recent weeks, Mr Kennedy's teams have also approached a major dairy producer whose raw milk products have been recalled several times due to contamination by the H5N1 virus. Why did they do this? The future administration wants to benefit from his advice to promote the consumption of raw milk in the United States" (sic).
A journalist from the French newspaper Le Monde summed up the situation as follows:
"It's like something out of a horror film we're watching. Not only is the future US Secretary of Health anti-vax, but he also intends to promote the most risky behaviour with regard to the virus currently circulating in the United States. America's handling of the H5N1 crisis has put, and will continue to put, the whole world at risk"[6]
This journalist, fascinated (or asleep) by horror film scenarios and no doubt in a hurry to turn in his little mood piece in time, forgets all the other very real scenarios: Ukraine-Russia, wars in the Middle East, extension of the domain of war into the Indo-Pacific sphere. All these scenarios have become reality: blood is being spilt by the damned of the earth for the greater profit of all the possessing classes of the great capitalist Moloch.
Pantopolis, 16 December 2024.
[1] https://www.capital.fr/entreprises-marches/bourse-cac-40-nasdaq-dow-jones-ces-risques-pourraient-mener-a-un-krach-en-2025-1506836#:~:text=Le%20CAC%2040%20et%20Wall,de%20krach%20de%20la%20Bourse.
[2] Yuen Kwok-yung and his team isolated and identified Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), an infectious lung disease caused by a coronavirus.
[3] https://www.tf1info.fr/sante/sante-covid-19-une-nouvelle-pandemie-est-inevitable-et-sera-encore-plus-grave-alerte-un-eminent-chercheur-hongkongais-2310129.html.
[4] https://www.ledevoir.com/societe/sante/820083/chasseurs-virus-traquent-prochaines-menaces-pandemie.
[5] AFP article, in Le Devoir, Montreal, Sept. 2024.
[6] Le Monde, 15 December 2024.